Niagara Falls Trip
Our anniversary
So we've made it an annual tradition to go away somewhere for our anniversary, and for the last two years, its been Niagara Falls. We love everything about it, from the touristy attractions, to the glass blowers who make their living by selling their art. I even faced my fears this year and went on SkyWheel and up the Skylon Tower. While it isn't as big as the CN tower, the ride up in the elevator on the outside terrified me, lol.
Of course, no trip to Niagara Falls would be complete without a trip to Bird Kingdom,the free flying aviary. While the hubs isn't as enthusiastic about getting potentially pooped on by free flying birds, I could spend all day there. He thinks I'm nuts, I swear.
It was a great few days, but its good to be home relaxing on this beautiful Thanksgiving weekend, thinking about everything in my life I have to be thankful for.